Lux et Umbra - a PvE Priest Handbook
by Nightshroud
Chinese Mandarin translation by Snowlily

《光暗相織》- PVE牧師指南
原著:Nightshroud  中譯:Snowlily


目錄 Table of Contents
I. 常用問答集 Frequently Asked Questions
II. 素質 Stats
III. 天賦與銘文 Talent & Glyph Notes
IV. 治療撇步 Healing Tips
V. UI User Interface
VI. 連結 Links

【I. 常用問答集 Frequently Asked Questions】
~~~ 版本過渡期 Patch Transition Section ~~~

Q: 我的治療加成上哪去了?它看起來很低!
Where did my healing stat go? It looks really low!
A: 不要慌張,你的治療量還是像以前一樣高。暴雪把法傷及治療統合成「法術能量」,而你的治療加成等於法術能量的188%,等同你的法傷數字乘以1.88。這樣的數字看起來是不是很熟悉?是的,這代表原始月布套裝的基本法術傷害比以前的版本更高了。
Don't panic. Your heals are still just as powerful. Blizzard combined damage/healing and healing into just one stat: Spell Power. Your healing spells have 188% higher coefficients now. Another way to look at it is to multiply your spell power by 1.88. That look more familiar? Yes this means Primal Mooncloth is a lot better for killing stuff now.

Q: 我的種族技能呢?
Where are my racials?
A: 牧師本來是唯一有種族技能的職業,這樣的獨特性已經被去掉了。有些種族技能被平均分配到所有種族的牧師上,可以向訓練師學習。同時要注意「絕望禱言」現在是一個神聖天賦技能。職業訓練師現在也會教你「神聖新星」。
Priests were the only class with an extra layer of class-specific racials. That inconsistency has been removed. Some racials have been given to all Priests; go see a trainer. Also notice that Desperate Prayer is the new 11 point Holy talent. The Priest trainer also has a baseline Holy Nova for you to learn.

Q: 治療環有冷卻時間嗎?Patch note裡面說會有耶!
Is Circle of Healing going to have a cooldown? It mentioned one in the patch notes.
A: 不,治療環不會有冷卻時間;patch note只是在 beta 時期沒有妥善更新而已。
No. The patch notes were not updated very well throughout Beta.

Q: 吸血鬼之觸是在搞什麼鬼?
What the heck is going on with Vampiric Touch?
A: 暴雪正在設計一個有以傷害為賣點,同時具備高效輔助性的 DPS。暗影現在是個一流的 dps 天賦,比方說,傷害係數比以前更高、能夠爆擊的技能更多……等等。作為對這個的交換,吸血鬼之觸和吸血鬼的擁抱兩個都降低了效能。吸血鬼之觸的效能在接下來的「天賦與銘文」區塊中會提到。
Blizzard is doing away with the concept of a DPS spec that is gimped for damage but provides higher utility. Shadow is now a first class DPS spec. Coefficients are higher, crit is a lot more useful, etc. In exchange, Vampiric Touch and Vampiric Embrace will both be less effective. The mechanics of Vampiric Touch are covered in the Talent and Glyph Notes section of this guide.

Q: 戒律天賦現在是做什麼用的?
What is the point of Discipline now?
A: 戒律的設計理念是要成為一個替代的 PVE 治療天賦樹;其中戒律是專精單體治療,而神聖的是專精團體治療。在這時期出現關於「戒律在這樣的領域上是否成熟」的疑問是可以被料到的。戒律系天賦的用意並不是為了成為「懲擊 dps」或「PvP治療」的天賦樹。
Discipline is intended to be an alternate first-class PvE healing tree, with superior single target healing. Holy is intended to feature superior multi-target healing. There is some question whether Disc is quite there at this point, but that is the plan. It is not intended to be 'the Smite DPS' or 'the PvP Healing' tree.

Q: 法術命中被改成怎樣了?
What's going on with spell hit?
A: 有好消息也有壞消息。好消息是1%的絕對迴避機率已經被拿掉了,同時沒有命中的法術現在在螢幕上會顯示「未命中」來取代以前的「抵抗」。壞消息是「暗影集中」現在提供的暗影法術命中加成變少了。
Some good news and some bad news. That last 1% chance to miss that you couldn't erase can now be eliminated. Also, failed spells due to missing are now actually reported as a 'miss' instead of a 'resist.' Down side is that Shadow Focus does not provide as much Shadow spell hit.
Santiclause says:
"The hit cap is 17%.
you get 3% from misery, 3% from shadow focus, so you need 11% from gear, i.e 139 hit rating"

Q: 我點出神聖或暗影51大絕以後沒有辦法點冥想耶!
I can't get Meditation and the new top Shadow or Holy talents!
A: 沒錯,因為我們現在正在一個過渡時期。不過至少 raid 裡面的怪物血量都少了非常多,這是暴雪對這點問題的對策。還有,你的暗影惡魔現在可以保證回復你 36% 到 40% 的魔力,牠在 pve 的攻擊現在看起來似乎不會被「閃躲」或「未命中」。
That is correct. We're in a transitional period. Too bad. If it helps, raid mobs have a lot less health. That's Blizzard's way of putting a band-aid on some annoyances from now until WotLK. Also, your Shadowfiend will restore 36% or 40% of your max mana quite reliably now. It does not appear to miss or get dodged at least in PvE.

Q: 巫妖王之怒正式版出來以前還會再改什麼東西嗎?
Any other changes coming before WotLK?
A: 請洽以下網址(美版論壇)

Q: 那我現在應該要點什麼天賦比較好?
What should I spec now?
A: 去查天賦相關的討論串吧。
Look for any of the tons of threads on that topic.


Q: 牧師是最好的治療職業嗎?
Are Priests the best healers?
A: 如果完全不把其他補職放在眼裡的話,當然是!但是說真的,讓某一個職業在某個方面獨大實在不是一個很好的遊戲設計。但是牧師獨特是因為有兩個一流的治療系天賦樹,而且如果你認同布衣是最好看的,那牧師絕對是最好的補職。況且我們有心控(炸)。
In terms of chutzpah, yes! But seriously, it wouldn't be good game design for one class to automatically be the best healer. Priests are unique in having two first class healing trees. It is also the best class if you agree cloth robes look best. And we have Mind Control.

Q: 牧師是優秀的 dps 職業嗎?
Are Priests a good DPS class?
A: 暗影系天賦樹對於非純粹輸出職的牧師來說是有利而無害的最佳傷害天賦。神聖和戒律雖然也有傷害性天賦,但不是好到可以拿去當 raid 中的 dps 專職。
Shadow is a first class damage spec with no penalty for Priests not being a 'pure DPS class.' Holy and Discipline also have damage talents but are not intended to fully match up in a raid DPS role.

Q: 牧師在 pvp 很優秀嗎?
Are Priests good at PvP?
A: 我聽說有一些牧師是。
I hear some are.

Q: 我該選哪個種族?
Which race should I be?
A: 如果是玩長期的,經驗法則是依照外貌、動作及聲音來挑。畢竟種族技能是會被改的。
For a long-term character, experience has shown that picking based on appearance, animations, and voice is wise. Racials are subject to change.

Q: 新手練等要用什麼天賦比較好?
What is the best talent spec for leveling?
A: 把精神分流點滿以後,去點神聖。神聖之怒和灼熱之光在低等級時期可以大幅提高單練的傷害。暗影只有在點出暗影型態以後才能超越。
Pick up Spirit Tap then head over to Holy. Between Divine Fury and Searing Light, Holy provides the largest boost to solo damage at low level. Shadow passes it only after Shadowform becomes available.

Q: 我要上哪去找好一點的裝備?
How do I find gear upgrades?
A: 花五分鐘去各大魔獸資料站或英雄榜查查吧。
Spend five minutes figuring out how to use item filters on Wowhead or The Armory.

Q: 大致上來說,裝備和天賦對我的法術有什麼影響?
How do gear and talents affect my spells, in general?
A: 你的整體法術能量(簡稱「SP」或「法能」)會先乘以每個法術自有的「係數」。得到的積再加上未受到天賦影響的基本傷害或治療數字範圍。最後再乘以天賦及和種種buff或銘文得到的「乘數」。
Your total Spellpower is first multiplied by the 'coefficient' percentage specific to each spell. This number is added to the untalented damage or healing range of the spell. Finally, multipliers from talents and effects are applied in any order.
總傷害數字範圍=(未受到天賦影響的範圍 + 整體法能 x 法術係數)x 乘數
SpellRange = ( UntalentedRange + TotalSpellpower*Coefficient ) * Multipliers

Q: 每個技能的係數各是多少?
What are the Spellpower coefficients?
A: 如下。只有預支時間(戒律)、強力治療術(神聖)及苦難(暗影)可以影響「法術係數」,其他天賦和銘文只能增減「法能」或變更「乘數」。
Here you go. Borrowed Time, Empowered Healing, and Misery talents are the only way to adjust coefficients. Other talents and glyphs either change Spellpower or act as a multiplier.

治療法術 Healing
恢復(Renew) 188%
絕望禱言(Desperate Prayer) 80.7%
嗜靈瘟疫(Devouring Plague) 15.0%
快速治療(Flash Heal) 80.7%
強效治療(Greater Heal) 161%
懺悟(Penance) 161%
神聖新星 /目標(Holy Nova (per target)) 30.5%
治療禱言 /目標(Prayer of Healing (per target)) 80.7%
癒合禱言 /跳動(Prayer of Mending (per charge)) 浮動(bug)Varies (bugged)
盾(PW: Shield) 80.7%

傷害法術 Damage
懲擊(Smite) 71.4%
神聖之火(Holy Fire) 57.1%
神聖之火dot(Holy Fire DoT) 50.0%
神聖新星/目標(Holy Nova (per target)) 16.2%
心爆(Mind Blast) 42.9%
鞭笞(Mind Flay) 77.1%
嗜靈瘟疫(Devouring Plague) 80.0%
法力燃燒(Mana Burn) 0%
心靈枯萎 /目標(Mind Sear (per target)) 200%
懺悟(Penance) 75.0%
死(SW:Death) 42.9%
痛(SW:Pain) 110%
吸血鬼之觸(Vampiric Touch) 100%

Q: 這些看起來亂糟糟的係數背後有什麼規律嗎?
Is there a method behind those crazy coefficient values?
A: 大多數情況,有。係數的存在用意是要讓1.5秒詠唱的法術效果不超過3.0秒詠唱法術效果的兩倍以上。瞬發法術因為會吃gcd所以被算做是1.5秒。團體法術的係數通常會比較小,用意是要讓法術擊中至少三個目標。
Most of the time, yes. The original reason for coefficients was to keep 1.5 sec spells from gaining twice as much from gear over time as 3.0 sec spells. Instants are considered 1.5 sec spells because that is the base Global Cooldown time. Multi target spells usually have a lower coefficient per target, with the expectation of using them on at least three targets.
基本估計「傷害」係數=詠唱時間 / 3.5
Basic expected damage coefficient = CastTime / 3.5
基本估計「治療」係數=(詠唱時間 / 3.5)x 1.88
Basic expected heal coefficient = (CastTime / 3.5) * 1.88


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